Love thy neighbor bible verse
Love thy neighbor bible verse

love thy neighbor bible verse

If a student wants to shoot up a school, take the gun away, hug that student, and dont give that student any penalty.Thats what the world is placing on pedestal today.If they murder your brother, go give them a hug, forgive them, and tell them its okay that you love them.People will act like loving they neighbor as theyself is the MOST IMPORTANT commandment from God and that it means to love everyone no matter what. All 3 persons in 1 God have existed for all of eternity TOGETHER as ONE.JESUS is pouring out HIS WRATH throughout the Old Testament.Remember, Jesus has ALWAYS been right there with God the Father and the Holy Ghost.When God pours out His wrath, you can KNOW that Jesus Christ is right there with God the Father and the Holy Ghost.I know this might amaze many people, but Jesus was right there with the Father in the Old Testament.John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. So He was there in the beginning with God the Father and the Holy Spirit.In reality, God is the same yesterday, the same RIGHT NOW, and the same for all of eternity.This tells me that the Churches of this world have created their very own FALSE GOD in their corrupted New Testaments. What does that tell me, and what should that tell you?.Thats not the same God as the New Testament.Theyll say: Oh, we dont need to read the Old Testament.Potheads.Ĭhurches everywhere will flat out lie to people and tell them that God has changed from the Old Testament to the New Testament. I think this entire generation has followed a bunch of potheads from the 70s who know better than GOD ALMIGHTY.You should love everyone no matter what man.They will say that the God of the Old Testament is a God of wrath, and Jesus changes all of that in the New Testament and that Jesus is all about love.The Bible is the truth.įalse churches and false preachers will act as if Jesus says something NEW in the New Testament when He says: Love thy neighbor as thyself. Yet, we all listen to this world and we think its the truth.The world tells you whatever it is that YOU WANT is the best for you, AND dont let ANYONE ever tell you its wrong.

love thy neighbor bible verse

This is called self love and worldly love. You have to love yourself by doing whatever YOU want.

  • Disney tells you to make yourself happy.
  • They say, Doing whatever YOU WANT is what builds a great life.
  • What this means to them and the world is do what you want, follow your heart, and this will make you happy.
  • If you think love is the false worldly love that tells you to accept everything no matter what, youre going to have issues understanding this.įor example, all the Disney movies tell you to love yourself no matter what.
  • And look, if you understand what true Godly love is, this is going to make sense to you.
  • We need to learn exactly what LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF truly means.
  • Introduction to Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself
  • Conclusion To Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself.
  • love thy neighbor bible verse

    Watch Out For People Who Prey On Your Emotions Including Churches.Thieves And Violent People Shouldn’t Be Rewarded.A Neighbor Must Be Someone Who Is Near And In Need.“What Is Written In The Law? What Readest Thou?”.There Is No Difference In This Commandment Between Testaments.Introduction to Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself.

    Love thy neighbor bible verse